[caption id="attachment_578" align="aligncenter" width="600"]...
22. 12. 2013VIAC →
Dear installers,
based on renewable law is necessary for installing small energy sources (§4a of 309/2009 writen in 382/2013 law) to have Installers certificate" issued by ...
17. 12. 2013VIAC →
Article about some anomalies in ÚRSO web, form my friend: http://www.solarweb.sk/mapa_oze/clanky/Anomalie_na_strankach_URSO.php. ...
15. 12. 2013VIAC →
Hello all, as you probably signed up, so we have a new look of our site. Besides the visual changes there are mainly changed with the introduction of functional possibilities - comments on the ...
13. 12. 2013VIAC →
I napriek tomu, že sú to všetko obnoviteľné zdroje, tak "slnečníci", "veterníci" a "bioplynkári" v zásade moc nespolupracujú. Bohužiaľ predstaviteľom štátu a slovenskej mentalite sa darí naplniť ...
13. 12. 2013VIAC →
Frequently mentioned (by us) amendment to the Law on the promotion of RES and CHP no. 309/2009, has already been published in the Collection of Laws under No. 382/2013 , see here: ...
13. 12. 2013VIAC →
Solárna daň bola v Česku zavedená asi pred tromi rokmi. Okrem toho, že ju paušálne schválil ich ústavný súd, tak v jeho verdikte bolo, že pre niektoré prípady ozaj môže byť táto daň likvidačná....
13. 12. 2013VIAC →
The portal legislation has been added "The energy policy of the Slovak Republic": ...
13. 12. 2013VIAC →