EUFORES National Parliamentary Workshop Slovakia, 5 April 2022


01. 04. 2022

EUFORES - European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources

Dear Energy Expert,

In the name of EUFORES Presidents Ciarán Cuffe (President EUFORES), Emma Wiesner (MEP, Vice-President EUFORES) and Niels Fuglsang (MEP, Vice-President EUFORES), EUFORES has the pleasure to invite you to our upcoming:

National Parliamentary Workshop 

The European Green Deal and the National Energy and Climate Plan in Slovakia

Please save the date:

TUESDAY 5 APRIL 2022, 9.00 - 13.45, ONLINE


Ciaran Cuffe

Ciarán Cuffe

Emma Wiesner
Emma Wiesner

Niels Fuglsang
Niels Fuglsang

Dr. Jan Geiss
Dr. Jan Geiss
Secretary General

Register to the event here

The European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources - EUFORES - is organizing an online national parliamentary workshop on renewable energy and energy efficiency, in cooperation with the Slovak Parliament, and Member of Parliament Mr. Miroslav Žiak.

The workshop focuses on the National Energy and Climate Plan of Slovakia, in the framework of the European Green Deal. 

live stream of the event will be available on the EUFORES Youtube Channel.

Follow our dedicated web page - the agenda will soon be available.

May you have any questions regarding the event, please contact:

We are looking forward to meeting you.

Jan GeissSecretary General EUFORES

in the name of
Ciarán Cuffe, President EUFORES
Emma Wiesner, Vice-President EUFORES
Niels Fuglsang, Vice-President EUFORES



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