For the SAP Renewable Energy Cluster, development, and innovations in the RE sector are crucial. The connection between research, educational institutions or small and medium-sized enterprises can bring many benefits on both sides.
The use of innovative technologies may create new business opportunities for SMEs. On the other hand, research and educational institutions can gain partners to promote but also co-finance their research and development activities.
cluster partners are the following organizations:
The Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA) is a state-subsidized organization that provides free energy advice, mediates the use of financial assistance, prepares energy audits, concepts, and studies, and verifies the economics of operation of heating systems. It was established by the decision of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 63/1999 with effect from 1 May 1999.
The main areas of activity of the SIEA include:
• Free expert energy advice on renewable energy, energy-saving, and energy efficiency.
• Implementation of measures within the Operational Programs Environmental Quality and Research and Innovation.
• Provision of grants and subsidies
• Organization of training and examinations
• Support for innovation activities
Slovak University of Technology - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics - Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Applied Electrical Engineering
It is one of the oldest technical faculties in Slovakia with a rich scientific and research activity, its mission is primarily to provide quality university education at all levels on the basis of free scientific research and creative research work.
The departments of the Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Applied Electrical Engineering are focused on:
• production, transmission, distribution, and efficient use of electricity,
• lighting technology, design of lights for cars,
• technology of low-current and high-current equipment and cable technology,
• research into degradation processes caused by various mechanisms,
• measurement of electro-physical properties of materials and systems,
• development, construction and diagnostics of electrical machines, devices, drives and power semiconductor technology.
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