The specific goal of the cluster:
and operation of a digital platform of experts and projects
use of the digital platform leads to the effective networking of interest
groups within the cluster and to the expansion of cooperation with partner
organizations to facilitate communication, knowledge sharing and cooperation.
The digital platform will also be connected to foreign expert networks and thus
lead to international cooperation.
The expert database is created by connecting experts, which streamlines work on
various projects. Mapping the organizations and the solutions they offer gives
a picture of the cluster's overall knowledge competencies. The platform thus
interactively maps the links between organizations, experts, and individual
and use of the digital platform to support cluster activities:
• Mapping
of the database of experts within the cluster and their competencies and knowledge
• Mapping
the database of partner organizations and the solutions they offer
• Squad
functionality that allows for effective communication between experts
• Creation
of joint projects, working groups and cooperation within them
• Creation
of events and workshops, with sharing of content, presentations, and videos
• News
channel that informs users about news from the industry
• Publication
of job offers within the cluster (also in connection with projects)
• Mobile
application functionality with email and push notifications
• Creating
a home page with basic information about the cluster
Vytvorenie domovskej stránky so základnými informáciami o klastri
• The
platform will be further linked to similar V4 or EU initiatives
• Foreign
experts will be invited to the platform
• Cluster
activities may be published on other similar platforms within the EU
• The
platform serves as an effective tool for cross-border transfer of know-how