SAPI Renewable Energy Cluster was established in 2019 as a startup cluster with
a focus on expanding and linking knowledge and experience on the use of
renewable energy. The cluster is an interest association of legal entities,
which currently has more than 120 active members - business entities operating
in the RES sector and several partners of state administration and public
administration and research, development, and educational institutions. The
activities of the cluster follow on from the activities of the Slovak
Association of Photovoltaic Industry and RES (SAPI), which was founded in 2010
as an interest association representing the photovoltaic and RES industries.
main mission of the cluster is to create an effective platform to connect
members of the energy sector, improve communication and cooperation of members
and partners of the cluster with a focus on the renewable energy sector. The
members of the cluster include the SAPI members, the business sphere operating
in the field of RES, as well as public administration. The role of the cluster
is to provide these partners with an effective tool for mutual communication
and cooperation in the implementation of projects and the implementation of
innovative technological solutions in renewable energy. The cluster connects
domestic and foreign organizations and expert partners with a relevant focus on
individual projects, innovative RES technologies and solutions in the renewable
energy sector.
the innovative capabilities of members and partners is of the utmost importance
to SAPI Renewable Energy. Linking research, educational institutions and SMEs
can bring many benefits to both sides. By using innovative technologies, SMEs
can create new business opportunities outside their current markets. On the
other hand, research and educational institutions can gain partners to support
or co-finance their research and development activities.